

Pharmacy Law Source

PLS is a means by which pharmacists and pharmacies, as well as other entities such as interns, technicians, law firms, etc., can have a ready source for questions and concerns relating to legal issues in pharmacy. When a question arises, you contact PLS and we respond in a timely manner. We address questions across a wide range of topics, from filling issues, to Board of Pharmacy concerns (especially those you may not want to ask the Board first), to employment contracts. And we do this for every state in the US.

“I have a legitimate prescription from Nebraska for a C-II written 80 days ago. Can it be filled in my Indiana pharmacy?”

“I just hired a new technician in my pharmacy in Kentucky. How long can I train/work with him before he has to register with the state Board of Pharmacy?”

“I just took a job with ABC Drugs. Can you review my employment contract with me?”

As the profession of pharmacy evolves—which it is doing rapidly—pharmacists and other personnel in the pharmacy area are facing more and increasing liability. Compounding has become a risky proposition and a very complicated one. Dispensing controlled substances is harder than ever, with government entities looking over your shoulder and drug abusers coming up with new and better ways to trick you into filling the prescriptions. And with the pharmacist shortage at an end, and with a glut of professionals likely in the next year or two, avoiding issues that can put a permanent black mark on your public record at the Board of Pharmacy is becoming more paramount.


Pharmacy Law Source

Pharmacy Law Source is the brainchild of Peter Cohron, BSPharm, JD, and Alissa Langley, PharmD. After law school, Pete began doing Kentucky pharmacy law reviews in 1998, quickly gaining a reputation for having a high (currently better than 98%) pass rate on the first attempt at the MPJE. He went on to teach Pharmacy Law and Health Law at the University of Kentucky from 2002-11. Alissa was the owner of a highly successful specialty pharmacy, providing prescriptions to patients in a number of states. Alissa and Pete spoke frequently to consult on the differing state laws and rules, as well as contract obligations and limitations. In 2015, Pete and Alissa met to discuss the need to be able to provide other pharmacists and pharmacies with a means to get timely answers to legal issues relating to pharmacy. Thus, Pharmacy Law Source (Alissa came up with the name) was born.


Peter P. Cohron – Pharmacist/Attorney

As a pharmacist, he is licensed to practice in Kentucky and Indiana, and was previously licensed in Tennessee.  He earned a BS in Pharmacy in 1980 at the University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy and a JD in 1993 from the University of Kentucky College of Law.

He has over 39 years of experience in hospital and retail pharmacy and currently fills in at independent retail pharmacies.  He is a practicing attorney of 25 years, mainly in the areas of medical law and estate planning, though with experience in other areas of practice.

Dr. Cohron was a fourth-year rotation instructor for almost 15 years for five colleges of pharmacy, earning him the Preceptor of the Year award at UK in 2001.  He taught pharmacy and health law classes at the UK Colleges of Pharmacy and Health Sciences for ten years.

Currently, he has two business, Pharmacy Law Source, which provides quick and reliable counsel on pharmacy law issues for pharmacists, lawyers, techs, interns, and students, and Pharmacy Education Source, which provides MPJE prep materials for a number of states and continuing education for pharmacists.  Currently, he is a member of the Kentucky Board of Pharmacy